There are currently two positions advertised in the School:
Lecturer in Geometry/Topology
Lecturer in Pure Mathematics
As the name suggests, the first is a search in geometry and topology, broadly construed, and the second is open to all areas in pure mathematics.
We are looking forward to applications which close on December 18 this year.
Please do no hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.
The Analysis seminar resumes in November.
Serena Dipierro and Enrico Valdinoci are visiting us from the University of Western Australia.
There will be talks on both Thursday, 3 November, and Friday, 4 November. Please check the page Analysis Seminar for the times TBA.
Serena will talk about The strange behaviour of nonlocal minimal surfaces:
Abstract: Surfaces which minimize a nonlocal perimeter functional exhibit quite different behaviors than the ones minimizing the classical perimeter. Among these peculiar features, an interesting property, which is also in contrast with the pattern produced by the solutions of linear equations, is given by the capacity, and the strong tendency, of adhering at the boundary.
Enrico will talk about Long-range phase coexistence models
Abstract: We will discuss classical and recent results concerning the Allen-Cahn equation and its long-range counterpart, especially in relation to its limit interfaces, which are (possibly nonlocal) minimal surfaces, and to the corresponding rigidity and symmetry properties of flat solutions.
We are very excited that the MATRIX workshop on Hyperbolic Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics begins today!
We are offering a few informal lectures on general relativity,
Thursdays, Evan Williams Theatre (Peter Hall G03), 4:15-5:15pm,
starting this Thursday, March 3.
This will not be a formal lecture course at all, instead I am hoping to give a loose introduction to a few research topics in mathematical general relativity, which are accessible to Master’s students with interests in analysis, differential geometry, or partial differential equations.
Everybody welcome.

We’re launching an Analysis Seminar at the University of Melbourne this year. We are hoping for many talks to happen in person, maybe even en plein air, like the seminar given by our first speaker, Zoe Wyatt. Others will be online, like by our second speaker this Friday, Allen Fang.
Either follow these pages, or contact us directly, to be sure to receive all announcements.