Lecturer in geometry and topology
There are currently two positions advertised in the School: Lecturer in Geometry/Topology Lecturer in Pure Mathematics As the name suggests, the first is a search in …
Analysis seminar resumes
The Analysis seminar resumes in November. Serena Dipierro and Enrico Valdinoci are visiting us from the University of Western Australia. There will be talks on both …
MATRIX Workshop
We are very excited that the MATRIX workshop on Hyperbolic Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics begins today!
Informal lectures on general relativity
We are offering a few informal lectures on general relativity, Thursdays, Evan Williams Theatre (Peter Hall G03), 4:15-5:15pm, starting this Thursday, March 3. This will not …
Analysis Seminar
We’re launching an Analysis Seminar at the University of Melbourne this year. We are hoping for many talks to happen in person, maybe even en plein …