
Jesse Gell-Redman

Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics

Office: Peter Hall 202

Research interests: Microlocal analysis, differential geometry, index theory, spectral asymptotics, singular spaces, scattering theory.

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Brian Krummel

Lecturer in Pure Mathematics

Office: Peter Hall G28

Research interests: Minimal surfaces, isoperimetry, elliptic and parabolic differential equations, geometric measure theory, geometric analysis

Volker Schlue

Lecturer in Pure Mathematics

Office: Peter Hall 204

Research interests: General relativity, global evolution problems for hyperbolic partial differential equations, geometric analysis.

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Postdoctoral researchers

Moritz Doll

Research Fellow

Office: Peter Hall G61

Research interests: Microlocal analysis, spectral and scattering theory.

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Graduate researchers

Current PhD students

Louie Bernhardt

Personal Website

Alice Savvinos
Jayson Liu